A New Poll Shows That The Republican Healthcare Bill Is In Really Big Trouble


After the release of the CBO numbers showing that 24 million people are going to lose their healthcare over the next decade, I would suspect that support for the Republican bill will continue to decline. At the time, President Obama and Democrats were … Powered by WPeMatico


From http://dentalentrepreneur.blogspot.com/2017/03/a-new-poll-shows-that-republican.html

By: Anna Mathew Family Physician
Title: A New Poll Shows That The Republican Healthcare Bill Is In Really Big Trouble
Sourced From: annamathew26.wordpress.com/2017/03/16/a-new-poll-shows-that-the-republican-healthcare-bill-is-in-really-big-trouble/
Published Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 03:13:52 +0000
